Friday 8 April 2016

Fangirl Fanfiction Ch.1  (More up soon)

This Takes place kind of in the middle of the book, when Cath realizes she likes Levi.

   “Hey Cather,” Levi says. I jump, I didn’t know my dorm room door was open I quickly shut my laptop and slide it under my bed hopping Levi just lets it be and doesn’t ask what I was doing. “Hey,” I say. I don’t know why but lately I’ve been self-conscience around Levi. I’ve never been self-conscience before and I really don’t like it. I don’t like not having any control over what I feel. Levi walks into the small dorm room which seems even smaller now that he’s here and sits down next to me on my bed.

  I can feel his body so close to me, and it takes every piece of self-control I have not to lean over and kiss him I have to remember he has a girlfriend. Who happens to be my roommate and the last thing I want is to be on her bad side. I shift further away from him so I’m not so tempted. “What’s up?” I ask, Levi doesn’t reply I look over and see him starring and my Simon Snow posters behind my bed. I open my mouth and start to say something but then I decide to close it, he looks so peaceful like this, focusing so hard yet seaming like he’s in his own little world where everyone smiles and stops to talk to everyone and is just like Levi in every way possible. That’s what I love about Levi, he is always going out of his way to be nice to people, even people he doesn’t know like it doesn`t cost him anything and he is always wear a huge smile that spreads from check to check showing off hid perfectly white teeth stretching his lips thin and his eyes, oh his dark brown beautiful big eyes that sparkle every time he speaks. Then there’s his hair, short and black and sticks up because he only washes it once every 3 weeks but still looks so perfect. That’s the thing about Levi he’s perfect in every way shape and form and doesn’t even know it. “Cather?” He says in a confused tone. I realize I’ve been starring while he was talking. I look away and then realize I have to look back.

“Uh, yes?”

“Did u hear anything I just said? Or were you too busy staring at my perfectly good smelling hair which you still continuously refuse to smell?”

  I open my mouth and then close it again, there is nothing good that can come out of it. “As I was saying, my birthday is coming up and since Regan is going to be out of town because it also happens to be her grandmothers 70th birthday I want to spend it with u.” He talks slowly as though he is mocking me for not paying attention. “Well, what would u like to do?” I ask.

“You don’t even know when my birthday is, how do u know u will be around?”

“Ok then, Levi when is your birthday?”
“May 12th, it’s a Friday.”

“Well lucky for you I happen to be around on Friday, so what would u like to do?”
“You are going to take me out to a bar and buy me a drink”

“Haven’t you ever had a drink?”

“Of course I have but I’ve never seen you have a drink”

“What makes you think I’m going to a have drink?”

“Because it will be my birthday and you have to do whatever I want, and I want you to have a drink or 2 with me.”

 I roll my eyes, knowing that there isn’t going to be a way out of this. Regan comes into the room, kicking the door open like she always does. That’s when I remember that Levi has a girlfriend who happens to be my roommate and I don’t want to be on her bad side. And after all she has done for me; I could never break her and Levi up. “You going to help me study?” Levi asks. “Yeah, let’s go” and just like that their gone, but of course Levi didn’t leave the dorm before giving me a smile that spread from cheek to cheek because that who Levi is. He gives smiles like that out to everyone he sees but u can always tell the difference when he smiles at someone (like Regan) he cares about, his eyes light up in a different way not like a sparkle in the night sky like most books describe it as, but almost like a pool on a sunny summer day, beautiful clear water that glows when beams on sunlight touch it, that’s the kind of smile Levi was giving me right now, the smile that made me want to go up and kiss him. That smile was over to soon but not soon enough. I’m sitting on my bed motionless lost in thought about Levi when my phone rings. I snap out of it and glance it, its Wren. Since when did Wren ever call me? It’s too early in the day for her to be drunk, though you never know with Wren. I’m picking up my phone in my hand when I realize the last time I talked to Wren. She decided without me that she was going to meet with Laura, our mom. I don’t know if I’m still mad at her about that but I can’t ignore Wren for ever, so I answer.


“Heyyy, Cath”

There is silence on both ends of the phone.

“Wren? Are you still there?”

“What did u want to talk about?”


I could hear Wren crying on the other end. Wren never cried, she was always the strong one, the calm one.

“Courtney slept with Fin!”

More sobs.

“Wren. Who is Fin?”
“My b…Boyfriend, but I guess he’s not anymore”
“Come over. Regan and Levi just left and it’s a Friday afternoon, nobody is in the building, we can have an emergency dance party.”

Wren hung up the phone. I didn’t know whether or not she was going to come over or not, but in 3 minutes time I heard a knock on the door. The door was already open do I yelled “Come in!” and opened up my laptop searching for the Kayne West playlist Wren and I created a couple years ago when the “Emergency Dance Party” was invented after I got a F on my History exam. I looked over and saw Wren. She was a mess, her mascara was dripping down her face, her hair (Even though it was short) was in huge knots and her eyes were big a puffy, proof that she’s been crying for a while. I got up and gave her a big bear hug. I’ve never seen Wren like this, this Fin must have really ment something to Wren. I pull out of our hug and go over to my desk, dig out my wireless speaker and yell “EMERGANCY DANCE PARTY!!!” Kayne West starts playing and at first I’m the only one dancing but it’s not long before Wren joins in, wrapping all the words in her deep Kayne West voice while jumping and dancing around forgetting about all of her problems. This is what emergence dance parties are for, they were made so that Wren and I can just forget about all of our problems while yelling out our favourite Kayne West rap lyrics until we can’t yell anymore. That’s exactly what we do. We jump around waving our arms and yelling and I forget why I was even mad at Wren in the first place, and why Wren was upset. The playlist comes to an end and I stop dancing. Looking over at Wren I could still tell she was upset, but I don’t think she’s mad anymore.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“Are you sure?”

“No…… I just can’t believe she would do something like that and Fin would let her!”

“Have you talked to Fin?” I sat down on my bed and Wren sat down on Regan’s. “Wren, you need to call Fin”

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