Saturday 11 June 2016

Haven't had any inspiration to write fanfiction recently. Sorry Guys

Friday 27 May 2016

Make sure you guys check out my other blog, were I blog about my life and feelings.

Monday 9 May 2016

I had a idea about a love story I could write, so I started throwing words on a page and this is what I happen to have right now, I know it's not fanfiction but I wanted to share it with the world to see what they think. As of right now its a little disorganized with two different parts to it. I don't yet know how I'll put it together but here's what I have so far:

Brad, I am so sorry. I don’t even know where to start, words can’t even begin to describe how I feel right now; I haven’t stopped thinking about what happened. I didn’t mean the things I said. I understand that you can’t come running every time I miss you and even though sometimes it gets hard to accept I know if you could change it you would and I don’t want to be the reason that you’re not doing what you love. I miss you and I can’t bear to stay away from you this long. Bradley Simpson, I love you and our fight doesn’t change that. Please come home, I’m sorry



Bradley I miss you please come home, or just call or text, anything. Please I need to talk to you. I still love you and I’m sorry.



Brad? Are you getting my emails? I’m really sorry. I love you.



Julia, yes I am getting your emails. I need space, time to think about what happened. I don’t know if I can do this any longer. It seems like every time I see you we’re fighting over something that I can’t change. I’m sorry I let this go one for so long, we both should’ve known this would never work. I won’t forget you.




Bradley please don’t do this. We can make it work. I’ll try harder. I won’t argue with you, I’ll make it up to you but please, please Brad don’t do this to me, to us. I love you always remember? You made a promise to me, don’t break the promise. You promised me you would love me.




Julia, I’m not breaking my promise I just can’t do it anymore I can’t be with you. Sorry,



What can I do to make this better? I’m not ready to give up on us yet.


We’re sorry, has blocked you. You cannot send this email.


I’ll never forget you. I’ll never forget you. I’ll never forget you. Those 4 words keep repeating in my head, because those are the last words he said to me. They have to mean something, I mean who breaks up with someone and tells them that they’ll never forget them? The tears are starting to come again and I let them. Maybe the tears will bring Bradley back. I pick up my phone once more and dial his number, 780-484-5159 but it just rings and rings and rings. I don’t bother to leave a message; I’ve already left him 6. I’ll never forget you. I’m not breaking my promise; I just can’t be with you.  


I blocked her. I’ll never hear from her again, it’s over. I have to move on. I close my laptop and stare out at the window not allowing myself to cry, the other boys don’t need to know about this. They’ll ask if I’m ok and I won’t be able to hold it back. I hear the door close, looking up I see Tristen. “You ok Brad?” he asks; I instantly wipe my face clean of emotion. “Yeah,” I lie “I’m ok.” I can’t tell weather or not Tris believes me but he doesn’t push it. Just then Connor and James come into my room, “Brad, Julia is calling” They say together. I look around at all 3 of there faces, “Tell her I’m busy”. You can see it on their faces that their shocked I don’t want to talk to Julia. “Sorry Julia, it seems Bradley is rather busy right now, he’s currently talking to our producer Danny.” James says into the phone. “Ok, I’ll tell him you called, bye Julia.” He hangs up the phone and sets it down on my nightstand beside my bed. “What’s going on between you and Julia?” Connor asks. “Nothing, I don’t want to talk about it.” I say trying not to make eye contact with any of the 3 boys. “Brad, you know we’re here for you when you want to talk.” Tristen whispers and leaves the room, I can tell that he’s hurt I won’t talk to him, we always tell each other everything but I can’t tell him about Jules yet. I just need time to think, time to be away from the world.


                Lying on my bed it hits me again. Bradley is gone and he’s not coming back. It feels like my heart is physically broken, like my body isn’t getting enough blood and I’m falling, falling out of this world. It feels like I’m being ripped apart, piece by piece. I can’t take it anymore. I grab my bag and run out of the house, ignoring my mom asking where I’m going. I need to be alone, to cope with what is happening right now. Running to the side shed to grab my bike dad stops me, “Julia, where are you going? It’s almost dinner time.” He says. I raise my voice, “Dad, I just need to get out of the house!” I can tell he’s taken back about me raising my voice but right now I don’t care, I push past him to grab my bike and ride off to the berm.

ooc: Then I have this unfinished scene where Julia and Brad haven't broken up yet

The door downstairs opens, but I ignore it and focus back on my homework that needs to get done. A few seconds later I hear the door close. I hear talking downstairs so I just turn up my music.
 All of a sudden my earbuds are yanked out of my ear, “Hey!” I say while I turn around to see who did it. “Brad!” I yell and jump into his arms. “Hey Jules,” He says, I think he might have said something else but I don’t hear him because I press my lips into his destine to taste his lips. Brad pressed his body up against mine and I can tell he’s missed me just as much as I’ve missed him.
 “Ummmm….” I pull away from Bradley and see my sister Hale standing in the doorway of my bedroom. “Hale! What have I said about knocking?” I ask. “the door was open!” she reply’s. She was right, we forget to close the door. “What do u want Hale?” I say a little annoyed that she disturbed our moment. “Brad, there’s someone at the door for you, she says you know her, that she’s your photo’s director’s assistant.” Brad steps away from me and towards Hale, “Hale,” he says in the calm voice he uses when he wants someone to go away but doesn’t have the heart to tell them that “I don’t have a photo director, send them away and if they don’t leave call the police.”
Hale turns and goes back downstairs and Brad closes the door and pulls me into his arms. We just stand there un-sure what to do next. “Isn’t that my shirt?” Brad asks “Yeah, you left it here last time” I reply looking down at his blue plaid shirt unbuttoned on me, with a black tank top underneath. “You’re not getting it back.” I said raising my eyes to his. He smiles at me and I lean into him again. “What are you doing here anyway? Your tour doesn’t end until September” I said into his shoulder. “Our tour ended two days ago.” He said looking down at me so I can see his eyes. “but you said- “He interrupts me “I know, but how am I supposed to surprize you for your birthday if you knew when my tour ended?” He said, I playfully hit his shoulder and Brad pretends it hurts. “Your smile is so beautiful, I’ve missed it. Speaking of which, I have something for you” He looks around the room, “It’s in my bag, I’ll go grab it. Don’t move” Bradley kisses me on the cheek and dashes downstairs.  

Thursday 21 April 2016

Wanting to write fanfiction but can't find the time. Between soccer and school work I can’t balance writing fanfiction right now. Which sucks because lately all I can think about is new ideas. Life has gotten busy. In fact right now I`m supposed to be working on science homework and then I have a soccer game. I hope to post something soon. Really sorry, please understand

Thursday 14 April 2016

The Heir    By Kiera Cass  Book Review


Didn't really feel like writing fanfic today so instead I did a book review.

I know I said I’ll have it up by Monday and today is Thursday but things got really busy with school and life so please forgive me!

 The Heir by Kiera Cass is the 4th book in the Selection series book with 342 pages. Book 1 is known as The Selection, book 2 is The Elite, book 3 is The One, and she is releasing a 5th book The Crown on May 3rd 2016. Unlike the other 3 books which follow America Singer, The Heir is told from her daughter’s point of view, Princess Eadlyn Schreave. Much like her mother, Eadlyn is very stubborn and at times a very frustrating character. The whole plot of this book is that for the first time in history the throne will be held by a queen with no king by her side and Eadlyn is pressured by her parents America and Maxon to hold a Selection. Eadlyn agrees but makes a rule, if she does not fall in love within 3 months, she does not have to marry anyone participating in the Selection. I found this book unique compared to the other books in the series because now, the Selection is told from the person who is selecting.

  To begin the book and mostly through the middle, I was not exactly fond of Princess Eadlyn. I found her to be obnoxious and not being considerate of other people’s feelings. The first time Eadlyn decides she is going to do an elimination from the Selection, she decides to barge into the Men's Room and start telling people to leave. I personally didn't know what to think about this but kind of laughed at the men's reactions, but it did seem quite mean.

  The first time Eadlyn decides to go talk to Ahren before the Selection even started, I really enjoyed their bond and communication together. I was from that moment on a huge Ahren fan. I also really like Osten (Eadlyn's youngest brother) but didn't exactly get to know Kaden too much and I felt like he was just a background character.

  We find out in this book that Marlee had two children Kile and Josie, and Kile is chosen to be in the Princess's Selection but nobody knows who put his name in. Eadlyn hates both of Lady Marlee's children but as the book progresses learns that Kile at least isn't who she thought he was. We also find out the Aspen still works at the palace and is now known as General Leger and is now married to Lady Lucy (America's old maid), we also learn that Lucy cannot have a child and has been trying for quite some time. There is a scene were Eadlyn over hears Lucy and Aspen talking about this and it brought tears to my eyes.

  The Selection boys all have interesting characters. My personal favourite is Henri and Erik. Henri doesn't speak English and Erik is his translator. I find Henri so heart-warming and I feel bad that because he doesn't speak English it holds him back. Let's talk about Eadlyns and Eriks relationship because guys THEY ARE SO CUTE TOGETEHR! Every little interaction they have with each other makes me smile. My favourite is when Eadlyn is in the hallway crying and she doesn't realize that Erik is there waiting at her bedroom door to talk to her and when she stands up she sees him and  they have this whole conversation about how Henri was thinking that by kissing Eadlyn that he was doing something wrong and the whole time their talking I’m like AWWWWW. Then there is Kile, who she has known all her life. They have this one scene were Eadlyn and Kile are in her room and she asks him to kiss her in the hallway and Kile agrees if Eadlyn talks to his mom about leaving the palace they agree on these terms and when they are kissing we find out that what was supposed to be only a fake kiss meant more to Eadlyn then it was supposed to. Then throughout the book there are two more scenes were they are kissing. The only thing I didn’t like is that they never talked and even when Kile tried to talk Eadlyn would get mad at him and leave, which was really annoying. We also meet Jack, who Eadlyn goes on a date with. She brings him to watch a movie anw while they were walking there Jack is trying to lead the way but doesn’t know where he is going and Eadlyn keeps telling him it’s the wrong way. When they finally get the the theatre, she asks him what her wants to watch he says “Something with action”. He basically picks the movie without any input from Eadlyn. This was now the second sign that there was something up with Jack, because he also mentions something about he wants Eadlyn to be scarred and snuggle up to him during the movie. When the movie is over and they are walking back to Jack’s room he starts to say these wired things like “That way you just barged into the Men’s Room and started eliminating people was totally sexy.” And things like that. He then pushes her agests the wall and starts touching her, she begs him to stop and eventually breaks free running away to find guards. She finds them and yells at them to get Jack out of there the guards run to start looking for Jack and Eadlyn sees Ahren. Eadlyn explains what happened and Ahren ends up punching Jack. Oddly I liked this part because it showed how Ahren loves Eadlyn and stands up for her. That night Eadlyn sleeps with her 3 brothers this was one of my favourite scenes in the whole book as it shows that royal or not, at the end of the day they are still a family who loves each other.

    We have all of this drama around Eadlyn only holding a Selection to distract the country while Maxon tries to come up with a way to bring the country peace once again because people are rebelling against the elimination of the casts. Eadlyn you can tell is clearly trying to help her dad out but sometimes ends up just bringing more negativity. Like when she talks to the women from Calgary in the Women’s Room and then the lady blabs about it to the reporters about Eadlyn saying some things that basically state that she doesn’t like the Selection. Which is of course true, but the public is not supposed to know about it. At times I found this kind of annoying that there is so much drama about this, like just make a public statement and move on.

  Now, since that pretty much sums up some of my favourite or most memorable parts let’s talk about the heartbreaking ending. So, in the end after Eadlyn talks to Ahren about Camille and how he should “Explore other options” Ahren decides he is going to elope with Camille and move to France. The thing is, he doesn’t tell anyone. When Eadlyn figures it out, she finds a note that Ahren left her. The note basically says that he figured out why Eadlyn has said what she said to him, because she didn’t want Ahren to leave, and Ahren couldn’t not leave so he desided to elope with Camille and move to France. One thing that I did love about the ketter is that Ahren was very honest with Eadlyn and told her what she needed to hear. Ahren told Eadlyn that her people don’t exactly like her, which I knew was true but still felt bad for her he also told her that the stuff Maxon is dealing with is much worse then she knows. After reading the letter, Eadlyn is found by a guard and the guard tells her that America, her mother has had a heart attack. By now, reading this made me cry. Then Kiera Cass writes us this heartbreaking secne were Maxon is beside America’s bed and hes crying and you can just tell by the way that she describes Maxon that he still really loves America and this scene was so cute and romantic it made me cry even more. We end the book at this, not knowing if America will be okay or not. But I really, really hope that she is. I don’t want America to die, because what will happen to Maxon? Eadlyn will most likely call off the Selection and then she doesn’t get her love story and America’s and Maxon’s love story comes to a sad end and just all of the feels. Plus what about Marlee and Lucy and ASPEN?!? She just can’t die.

That’s all for my book review on The Heir by Kiera Cass, overall I would give this book a 90% ish, because I have loved the Selection series ever since book one and even though this wasn’t as good as my favourite book The One it was still a above average book and still had all of the characters that we know and love from the first 3 books. Thank you all for reading.


Saturday 9 April 2016

Book review going up either tomorrow or Monday on the Heir by Kirea Cass. Have you guys read the Selection series?
So, was re-reading Fangirl last night, looking for a detail about Wren and Cath`s dad for ch.2 and realized it`s written from third person, and my fic is in first..... Not sure I`m going to write more. I might just start a new fanfiction. So Sorry,